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Municipal Clerks and finance officers association of Minnesota

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MCFOA Policies


During the 1970's, the Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association of Minnesota progressed tremendously, both in membership and in increased promotion of educational resources for clerks throughout the State.

Throughout these years, many policies have evolved, some were listed in the minutes, others were informal, unwritten policies passed on to new members of the Board of Directors each year. Because of the transition in officers every year, some policies fell by the wayside.

To ensure that the Association will progress in an orderly and fair manner into the future, this Policies section was initiated to clarify and formally establish policies in written format to guide the Board of Directors in its administration of the Association.

The policies mentioned are in addition to those found in the By-Laws of the Association.

The original policy manual was formally adopted by the members of the 1980 -1981 Executive Board on March 26, 1981 and has been periodically updated by subsequent Executive Boards.

Administrative Assistant

The Board of Directors, (Board) by written contract, may appoint a person to serve as the Administrative Assistant to the organization.  The contract shall be for no more than three years at a time. The compensation and duties of the Administrative Assistant shall be determined by the Board and included in the contract. The Administrative Assistant shall provide services including but not limited to:

·         the maintenance of membership lists

·         grant/certification functions in conjunction with those committees

·         write, edit, and distribute the Munifacts newsletter

·         print necessary office supplies including dues notices

·         send annual renewal of memberships

·         maintain an inventory of MCFOA pins and Certification Pins

·         maintain the Association’s website and social media pages.

The Administrative Assistant shall attend all meetings of the Board and shall serve as liaison to:

·         Certification Committee

·         Conference Planning Committee

·         By-Laws Committee

·         Grant Committee.

The Administrative Assistant shall be the Chair of the Website Committee.

Annual Conference

There shall be a member and non-member registration fee for all annual conferences. Non- member registration fees shall be a minimum of $100 higher than member fees.

The Conference Coordinator shall negotiate a number of complimentary rooms with the conference center, which shall include one room for the outgoing president, one room for administrative staff and one meeting room for association use. Contracts should also include at least one complimentary meeting (sleeping rooms, food, meeting room) for the entire Board sometime during the year.

The Conference Coordinator shall fulfill the duties as outlined in the contract approved by the Board.

The Conference Coordinator Serve as the caretaker of the MCFOA banner(s) and flag(s).

The following criteria shall be followed for selecting annual conference sites:

·         Consider multi-year contracts for the best rates.

·         The facility/facilities must be large enough and conveniently located to accommodate meetings, lodging, meals, and exhibit areas.

·         Consider costs of lodging, meeting rooms, food and speakers.

·         Location rotation is desirable, as recommended for regional meetings.

·         Complimentary sleeping rooms for the outgoing President, IIMC Region 6 Directors, Iowa and Wisconsin association presidents

The structure of the annual conference banquet shall be determined by the President, including meal, entertainment, decorations, theme, design of pins, and programs.

Board Meetings

The Board shall meet in a central location, in the state of Minnesota, on the following days: the day before the start of the annual conference and immediately following the close of the conference, April or May, August or September at the upcoming conference location, and December. The Board may also hold special meetings as needed.


Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk

The basic requirements established by the Certification Committee to become a Certified Municipal Clerk under the Minnesota program require that each applicant must:

1.    Be an Active member of MCFOA (as defined in Article 4, Section 1, of the By-Laws) for three years.

2.    Be at least 18 years old.

3.    Believe in the practices of the MCFOA Code of Ethics.

4.    Submit an application provided by the MCFOA with appropriate documentation and the required fee, which shall be $40.

  • Applicants may purchase a wall plaque for an additional cost.

5.    Furnish verification of employment.

6.    Receive approval from the Certification Committee.

In addition to meeting the basic requirements, an applicant must be qualified by the following standard: obtain a total of 75 points. The points allowed are outlined on the certification application prepared by the Association.

1.    Applicants should attend the Institute, Years 1-3 progressively.

2.    Under Section I - Education (of the application), degrees that would be accepted are: Business, Accounting, Public Administration, Political Science, and Economics.

3.    Under Section II - Experience (of the application), part-time versus full-time: part-time is defined as anything less than 32 hours per week. Half the number of points will be awarded for part-time employment.

The date of MCMC designation shall be the date on the letter informing the applicant that he/she received MCMC designation. If that date is unknown, the date of MCMC designation shall be the date on the official plaque

    Minnesota Master Municipal Clerk

    The basic requirements established by the Certification Committee to become a Master Municipal Clerk under the Minnesota program require that each applicant must:

    1.   Be an Active member of MCFOA (as defined in Article 4, Section I, of the By-Laws).

    2.    Possess the Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk certification.

    3.    Reaffirm commitment to uphold the MCFOA Code of Ethics

    4.    Submit an application provided by the MCFOA with appropriate documentation and the required fee, which shall be $70.

    • Applicants may purchase a wall plaque for an additional cost.

    5.    Furnish verification of employment.

    6.    Receive approval from the Certification Committee..  

    In addition to meeting the basic requirements, an applicant must be qualified by the following standard: obtain a total of 80 points. The points allowed are outlined on the certification application prepared by the Association.

    All points earned toward the MMMC designation must be dated after the MCMC designation, with the exception of a completely unused college degree. For example, if the applicant’s MCMC designation was obtained in March 2014, no materials except a completely unused college degree dated prior to March 2014 will be accepted toward the MMMC designation.

    Upon receiving notification from the Chair of the Certification Committee, the Administrative Assistant shall oversee the preparation of the certification for each newly certified Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk and Minnesota Master Municipal Clerk.  Certifications and pins will be mailed to the successful applicants immediately. New MCMCs and MMMCs shall be introduced and recognized at the annual Conference.

    Conference Coordinator

    The Conference Coordinator shall fulfill the duties as outlined in the contract approved by the Board.


    Advanced Academy Committee

    The Advanced Academy Committee will review the Minnesota Clerks Advanced Academy evaluations and curriculum and advise the Advanced Academy Director regarding content of future programs.

    Audit Committee

    The Audit Committee will review and perform an audit of the financial transactions of the MCFOA. The audit is to be submitted to the Board for approval by the membership at the annual meeting.

    •    The Audit Committee Chair will contact the treasurer to schedule a date/time for the annual audit after the close of the fiscal year
    •    The President will forward a copy of Board Meeting agendas and packets to the Audit Committee Chair (one week before each meeting).

    Awards Committee

    The Awards Committee will review nominations received for the Member of the Year Award and select a recipient.

    Certification Committee

    The Certification Committee will prescribe policy regarding applicant requirements; to recommend individuals qualified to receive the designation of Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk or Minnesota Master Municipal Clerk. Committee members may review applications as needed under the direction of the Chair. The Certification Committee shall consist of certified clerks.

    Conference Planning Committee

    The Conference Planning Committee will act as an advisory committee to the Board on educational topics for the annual conference.

    By-Laws Committee

    The By-Laws Committee will review the Association By-Laws and make recommendations for amendments to the Board.

    Elections Advisory Committee

    The Elections Advisory Committee will improve communication between the Office of Secretary of State and city clerks, to coordinate legislative programs, to advise on recommended and needed changes in election laws and rules, and to discuss the impact of these laws and rules on the clerk's responsibilities. This committee may work with the League of Minnesota Cities in reviewing and suggesting proposed election legislation.

    Entertainment Committee

    The Entertainment Committee will coordinate the annual conference mixer activities and  obtain prizes and decorations. The Entertainment Committee shall provide updates throughout the year to the Conference Planning Committee Chair.

    Executive Board

    The Executive Board is made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President. The Executive Board shall have the following duties: train newly elected or appointed members of the Board of Directors, implement the decisions of the Board of Directors, communicate Association activities to the membership, serve as liaisons between the Board of Directors and the standing committees, establish strategic plans subject to approval by the Board of Directors, and represent the Association before other organizations and entities. The Administrative Assistant is a non-voting member that will attend meetings at the discretion of the President.

    Fundraising Committee

    The Fundraising Committee will coordinate a silent auction during the annual conference to raise funds to send selected members to the IIMC annual conference.

    Grant Committee

    The Grant Committee will establish written policy and guidelines for awarding the Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute and Advanced Academy grants, review applications and make recommendations to the Board regarding grant recipients. Grant recipients must be full members of the MCFOA. Applications can be submitted as follows:

    ·         Clerk’s Institute from Jan. 15 to March 1

    ·         Advanced Academy from March 1 to April 15

    Grant Applications will not be accepted outside of the application windows.

    The Grant Committee is authorized to allow multi-tiered grants to clerks attending the Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute and Advanced Academy based on need. The Committee may award a grant to more than one individual member from the same city, provided they shall not exceed the appropriated amount determined by the Board each year.

    The priority that this fund sets forth is to concentrate the grant funds distributed to smaller cities.

    Institute Committee

    The Institute Committee will identify presenters and topics for the Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute, review program evaluations, budget and curriculum, and recommend new or continuing topics and presenters. The committee shall recommend the location and registration fees for the Institute.

    The Institute Committee shall consist of:

    One person who has been certified as a CMC

    One person who has completed Year I class

    One person who has completed Year II class

    One person who has completed Year III class

    Any number of Institute graduates who are willing to serve

    This committee shall meet at least once a year prior to the Institute classes.

    Nominating Committee

    The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee, consisting of five members, at least two months prior to the annual meeting. Committee members shall consist of past MCFOA presidents. The President shall promptly notify the members of the Board as to the appointees to the Nominating Committee.

    The MCFOA Board approved the following criteria:

    1.    Any person that is interested in serving on the Board shall submit an application and letter of support from their respective city to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. This shall include those present members of the Board considered for advancement to the next higher office.

    2.    Region Directors shall prepare a list of recommendations for their respective regions and shall ask potential candidates to submit an application and letter of support from their respective city.

    3.    If no member submits an application, it would then be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to select persons to fill the positions.

    4.    All candidates for offices shall be informed of the requirements and responsibilities of the positions for which they are being considered. The Nominating Committee shall convene as soon as possible at the March conference to interview all Board candidates.

    Records Retention Task Force

    The Executive Board established a Records Retention Task Force in 1991 to formulate and recommend a standardized retention schedule for use by all cities in the State of Minnesota.

    Because Records Retention is an ongoing responsibility of Minnesota Municipalities, the Records Retention Task Force shall continue to revise and update the State of Minnesota’s General Records Retention Schedule for Cities as needed.

    Website Committee

    The Website Committee oversees the association’s website regarding content, links, employment opportunities, etc. The Administrative Assistant shall serve as Chair.

    Election and Installation of Officers

    The Nominating Committee shall announce its recommendation at the annual meeting for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the three Region Directors scheduled for election that year. The presiding officer shall then ask for nominations from the floor. Should there be a contest for any of the positions; an election by secret ballot shall be held.

    The outgoing President shall administer the Oath of Office to all Board members elected to office for the coming year. Board members shall take the following oath at the podium:

    OATH:            I solemnly swear that I will support the By-Laws of the Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association of Minnesota and faithfully discharge the duties of the office to which I was elected, to the best of my judgment and ability. So Help Me God.

    Vacancies in office shall be managed in accordance with Article 6, Section 8, of the By-Laws.


    A "Request for Reimbursement of Expenses" form must be used by anyone submitting a claim in order that an audit trail of expenses is maintained and in order that the Audit Committee may review the expenses.

    Board Meetings

    The Association shall pay for Board dinner, mileage and lodging for board members for quarterly board meetings. The Association shall pay for dinner, mileage and lodging for Assistant Region Directors for one Board meeting per year, typically the fall meeting.


    In addition to Regular Board Meetings, the President may schedule an Executive Board Retreat, to be held between the months of April and September, to review and evaluate MCFOA By-laws and policies, review committee structure and direction and/or set goals and priorities for the coming year.  Executive Board members shall be reimbursed for travel, lodging (standard room rate) and retreat meals.  Meals while traveling to and from the retreat will not be covered. 

    IIMC Annual Conference

    The President shall be reimbursed for the registration fee, travel, lodging (standard room) and meals not covered during the conference. All additional expenses are the responsibility of the President. The reimbursement from MCFOA should cover the full cost of air/ground transportation, hotel, registration, and meals, upon the President submitting an expense report to the Treasurer following the conference.

    Region 6 IIMC Meetings

    The Minnesota IIMC Region 6 Director and all Executive Board members are authorized to attend Region 6 IIMC events with expenses paid for lodging, training, mileage and meeting meals. Meals while traveling to and from the event are not covered.

    MCFOA shall contribute $500 toward the cost of education at the mid-year Regional meeting.

    IIMC Foundation

    MCFOA shall contribute $75 toward the cost of a silent auction gift at the IIMC Conference. The purchase of the gift shall rotate annually between Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin.

    MCFOA Region Meetings

    The President is encouraged to attend at least one meeting for each region during his/her term in office. The Association shall pay for mileage and lodging when necessary and the registration fee for the regional meetings attended by the President.

    Wisconsin, Iowa State Conferences

    One member of the Executive Committee is authorized to attend both the Wisconsin and one Iowa state conferences each year. There is an agreement among the Region 6 state associations (Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota) that the conference registration fee and lodging shall be waived for attendance by the out-of-state visitor.

    The association shall cover travel expenses. If the President is not able to attend, a member of the Executive Board may attend in his or her place.


    MCFOA will send a memorial of $100.00 for the death of a Board Member, Administrative Assistant or his/her spouse or child.

    Hospital Stay

    MCFOA will send a gift of $50.00 for Board Member, Administrative Assistant due to personal health issues.



    1.   Chair each MCFOA Board Meeting and the annual business meeting at the conference

    2.   Prepare annual budget prior to May Board meeting.

    3.   Appoint Committee chairs and members prior to May Board meeting.

    4.   Prepare and distribute all meeting agendas and packets. Forward a copy of the agendas and packets to the Administrative Assistant for posting           on the website and to the Audit Committee Chair (one week before each meeting).

    5.    Write a column for each MCFOA newsletter (according to the timetable set by the administrative assistant).

    6.    Prepare a draft agenda for the post conference board meeting (one week before conference).

    7.    Meet with Vice President and Conference Coordinator prior to all Conference Planning Committee meetings.

    8.    As an ex officio member of all committees, attend as many committee meetings as possible

    9.    Supervise and guide other board members in their respective duties.

    10.  Serve as spokesperson for the organization.

    11.  Notify the Member of the Year recipient and his/her nominator of the honor. Ask the recipient and the nominator to inform the Mayor, 

            Council, Administrator/Manager of the award and their ability to invite up to six guests to attend the award presentation.

    12.  Order the lapel pins distributed at the Annual MCFOA Conference and distribute the remainder to members attending the IIMC meeting (pins            must be in hand two weeks before the annual conference)

    13.  Distribute the certification awards at the annual conference.

    14.  Make an effort to attend at least one meeting in each region.

    15.  Attend the IIMC annual Conference and carry the Minnesota flag at the Opening Ceremony.

    16.  Attend the IIMC Region 6 meeting(s).

    17.  Greet the participants at the Clerk’s Institute and/or attend the Institute Banquet. Travel and lodging expenses may be submitted for     


    18.  Write a congratulatory letter to each IIMC CMC and MMC recipient.

    19.  Prepare a resolution for any retiring clerk who has made a significant contribution to MCFOA

    20.  Select annual conference menu and entertainment; announce the conference theme.

    21.  Maintain records for the office and forward to the incoming President.

    22.  Perform other duties as are incidental to the office or required by the Board of Directors.


      1.    Assist the MCFOA President in the discharge of his/her duties. Perform the duties of that office in the absence or incapacitation of the President

      2.    Chair the MCFOA Annual Conference Planning Committee

      a.       Prepare each Conference Planning Committee meeting agenda.

      b.       Work with Conference Coordinator and President as necessary in the planning of the annual conference.

      3.    Attend all MCFOA Board Meetings

      4.    Order and secure the plaque for the outgoing President and the MCFOA Member of the Year (two months before the annual conference).

      5.    Become acquainted with the duties and expectations of the President in preparation for the following year.

      6.    Maintain records for the office and forward to the incoming Vice-President.

      7.    Perform other duties as are incidental to the office or required by the Board of Directors or President.


        1.    Take and maintain the official minutes of all Board of Directors meetings.

        a.       The minutes shall be recorded as anecdotal minutes in a font size of 12 points including a running header on each numbered page. The name of the member who makes a motion and the name of the member who seconds each motion shall be recorded in said minutes. All references to names should be formal. No formal motion is needed for routine decision making.

        2.    Provide a copy of draft meeting minutes to the President and Administrative Assistant within 30 days after each meeting and two months     

              before the annual conference.

        3.    After the minutes are approved by the Board, provide a copy to the Administrative Assistant for posting on the website. Print and sign a copy 

              for preservation in the official minute book.

        4.    Serve on the Conference Planning Committee.

        5.    Countersign all contracts and agreements.

        6.    Maintain records for the office and forward to the incoming Secretary.

        7.    Perform other duties as are incidental to the office or required by the Board of Directors or President.

        8.    The Secretary’s annual salary shall be $300.


          1.    Administer and manage the receipt, disbursement and investment of the financial assets and liabilities of the organization.

          2.    Upon election to the office, set up a checking account (and debit card) for the organization under the following heading:

          i.    Municipal Clerks & Finance Officers Association of MN

          ii.    (Your address)

          iii.    Federal I.D. Number: 45-4088441

          b.  The signature card for the account shall include the Treasurer, Secretary, and the Administrative Assistant.

          2.    Pay the renewal fee for the Treasurer’s surety bond.

          3.    At the MCFOA Conference, gather the contact information for all IIMC Conference Trip Winners and Alternates.

          4.    Maintain the organization’s financial reports. The outgoing treasurer will provide electronic copies of the previous year’s financials. Other documents to secure from the outgoing treasurer include travel reimbursement form, letters and silent auction winner spreadsheet(s) that can be updated. Inform the Board of Directors of the financial condition of the organization by providing the MCFOA Company Overview Report prior to each board meeting.

          5.    Present the Treasurer’s report at the annual meeting.

          6.    Process the membership applications and renewals and deposit membership fees. Forward applications to Administrative Assistant for official membership records.

          7.    Register the names of the annual drawing winners for the trip(s) to the IIMC (to get the advance registration discount). For those winners, the MCFOA pays for registration, Sunday through Friday lodging, and transportation. Other related                expenses are not covered by the MCFOA. For the MCFOA President’s attendance at the IIMC, the organization covers the registration fee, lodging, airfare, mileage and meals.

          8.    Attend all board meetings and the annual meeting. Bring to all Board meetings the expense reimbursement forms, MCFOA checkbook and a calculator.

          9.    Distribute expense forms to the Board members and promptly issue reimbursement checks for mileage and other covered expenses. Also, pay all Board meeting meals, lodging and other expenses.

          10.  File IRS Form 990 annually between February 1st and May 15th.

          11.  Prepare and send out 1099’s as needed before January 31 of each year. Submit them along with a 1096 as needed.

          12.  Update the W-9 and provide to those who request it.

          13.  Serve on the Conference Planning Committee.

          14.  Perform other duties as are incidental to the office or required by the Board of Directors or President.

          15.  The Treasurer’s annual salary shall be $500 plus mileage for bank deposits.



          99999 Passthrough

          Used when money passes through the account but is neither MCFOA revenue nor expense. i.e. A member sends a check for membership renewal and region meeting registration combined. The membership money is coded to R110 Active Dues while the region meeting registration is coded to 99999 Passthrough. A check for the region meeting registration can be made for the registration about and sent to the region, the check will be coded to 99999 Pass through as well, creating a net zero balance.


          R110 Active Dues

          Membership dues collected from full members

          R120 Associate Dues

          Membership dues collected from associate members

          R140 Interest Earnings

          Interest earnings from savings, checking and investments

          R145 Merchandise Revenue

          Various merchandise sales (cookbooks, shirts, lanyards, jackets, etc.)

          R150 Net Conference Proceeds

          Conference and exhibit revenue after expenses (payment received from Conference Coordinator)

          R155 Net Institute Proceeds

          Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute revenue after expenses (payment received from St. Cloud State University)

          R160 Silent Auction

          Silent Auction and quilt raffle proceeds used to fund IIMC raffle winner(s)

          R165 Grant Funds

          Donations received from members (annually on membership application) to be used toward MMCI grant awards

          R175 Certification Fees

          Payments for MCMC recipients’ awards

          R180 Athenian Dialogue

          Payments for Athenian Dialogue registrations

          R185 Other Revenue

          Miscellaneous revenue received (advertising, membership list sales, etc.)

          R190 IIMC Conference Income

          Money coming in as Donations and Vendor Sponsorships for an IIIMC Conference hosted in the State of Minnesota

          R600 Regional Checking Meeting Attendance

          Money collected at the regional level for regional meeting attendance

          R601 Regional Checking Donation Received

          Money donated at the regional level for regional use


          E200 Contractual Services

          Expenses necessary to carry out administrative functions as prescribed in the Constitution and By-laws. Includes Administrative Assistant contract, Secretary and Treasurer position annual salaries. (Adm. Asst. contract includes grant, certification, mailing list, board meeting arrangements, updating manuals contracts, membership reminder notices, etc.)

          E210 Office Expense

          Various postage, paper, copies, telephone expense (non-newsletter)

          E220 Board of Directors Expenses

          Board of Directors meeting costs incurred while conducting and attending Board meetings, including but not limited to travel, lodging and meal reimbursements.

          Executive Committee members’ attendance at IIMC Region 6 Board meetings with expenses paid for lodging, mileage and meeting meals. Meals while traveling to and from the meetings are not covered. The standard deductible mileage reimbursement rate set by the IRS shall be applied.

          E230 Newsletter Expense

          Newsletter contract including publishing and distributing the newsletter (printing, folding, postage costs, etc.)

          E240 IIMC Travel MCFOA President

          MCFOA President registration fee, travel and meal expenses associated with the IIMC Annual Conference as authorized by Board of Directors.

          E300 Educational/Professional Support

          Appropriation for various educational and professional advancement opportunities offered to the general membership. (This does not include regional educational expenses.)

          E310 Grants Dispersed

          Awards to qualified members to encourage attendance at 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Municipal Clerks Institutes

          E320 Awards and Supplies

          Cost of MCMC plaques, conference pins, awards and other achievements, and supplies occasionally necessary to complete and distribute awards

          E330 Regional Meeting Expenses

          All relative costs to operate Regional meetings.

          This does not include special recognition expenses to be paid by each region (i.e. retirement cake, gifts etc.) Each region has up to $250.00 to spend on education.

          E340 Web Communications

          Costs associated with maintenance of web page including hosting costs, domain registration fees, etc.

          E360 IIMC Travel/Silent Auction Winners

          Travel expenses for Silent Auction award winner(s) to attend annual IIMC Conference including registration, transportation and lodging expenses. Recipient is responsible for all meals (not covered in registration fee), souvenirs, additional conference events and passports, etc. needed for travel. Recipient is also responsible for IIMC membership dues or payment of the additional non-member conference registration fee.

          E410 Hospitality

          Costs associated with gift bags for delegates from other Clerk Associations

          E420 IIMC Region VI Hosting

          Cost to supply hospitality to regional IIMC meeting when held in Minnesota.

          E430 Merchandise Expense

          Merchandise purchased to promote the organization and sell to the general membership.

          E440 IIMC Region 6 Director

          1. Expenses associated with the appointment of a Minnesota Representative to the IIMC Region 6 Director position:
            • Paid registration for the general IIMC Conference at the IIMC-member, early-bird rate only
            • All transportation expenses (at the most economical rate) to and from the conference, including mileage to/from the airport, parking and baggage fees
            • Hotel accommodations while attending the conference (standard room rates only). Hotel accommodations prior to and after the conference are at the expense of the IIMC Region Director or her/his City.
          2. Transportation costs (at the most economical rate) to one annual conference in Wisconsin and one annual conference in Iowa (state associations waive fees for conference registrations and hotel accommodations)Paid registration for the IIMC Region 6 Meeting including transportation costs (at the most economical rate) to and from the meeting and hotel accommodations for one night’s stay (standard room rate only).
          3. Reimbursement of covered expenses will be made to the recipient after attendance to the conferences/meetings and with the proper submission of receipts attached to a reimbursement form.

          Expenses not covered include: All additional expenses are the responsibility of the IIMC Region Director.

          E450 Athenian Dialogue

          Expenses associated with holding an Athenian Dialogue (i.e. room rental, facilitator fees, refreshments, supplies, etc.)

          E460 Other Expenses

          Non-routine expenditures not provided for in other accounts (i.e. Treasurer Bond Expense, IIMC Foundation donation)

          E500 IIMC Conference Expense

          Costs associated with hosting an IIMC Conference in the State of Minnesota

          E650 Region Checking – Meeting Expense

          Costs associated with hosting regional meetings

          E651 Region Checking – Bank Fees

          Bank Fees from regional checking.

          E652 Region Checking – Silent Auction Basket Expense

          Bank Fees from regional checking.


          1. Organize regional meetings on a regular basis taking care to locate those meetings at various locations within the region. The Region Director may secure other members within the region to host or co-host the meetings.
            • Coordinate speaker(s) – equipment needed (computer, screen, audio, microphone)
            • Prepare meeting agenda and provide to Administrative Assistant for posting on the website
            • Organize beverages, snacks and lunch as needed
            • Copy educational materials as needed
            • Record attendance and forward to the Administrative Assistant
          2. Serve as a liaison between the Board of Directors and region members. Keep region members informed of all activities of the association and Board of Directors.
          3. Seek out an Assistant Region Director, subject to confirmation by the Board, to assist with the duties.
          4. Attend all Board of Directors meetings and provide a verbal report on the most recent activities within the region, as well as a simple written report of the Regional’ financial activity.
          5. Write a Region report and send it to the Administrative Assistant for inclusion in the MCFOA quarterly newsletter (deadline dates: one week prior to February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st). Also prepare a report for the annual meeting at the conference.
          6. Recommend to the Nominating Committee a candidate to succeed the current Region Director when his/her term is about to expire.
          7. Serve on the Conference Planning Committee.
          8. If the outgoing President is from your region, organize a thank-you card and gift. The gift shall be presented at the annual conference banquet.
          9. Help organize silent auction items from your region.
          10. Notify the Administrative Assistant of any retirements occurring in your region. Try to obtain information on the retiree’s years of service, date of retirement and any retirement celebrations in their honor.
          11. Provide means for new and experienced clerks to network and develop resources for knowledge of various clerks’ duties.
          12. Recruit new members and promote the benefits of membership in the organization.
          13. Coordinate mentorship opportunities between new and veteran clerks. Administrative Assistant will notify you when a member in your Region has request a mentorship.
          14. Perform other duties as are incidental to the office or required by the Board of Directors or President.


          1. Assist with organization of region meetings and other duties as requested by the Region Director.
          2. Attend, participate and vote at any Board meeting if the Region Director is unable to attend.
          3. Attend one Board meeting per year, normally the fall meeting.



          The purpose of the Member of the Year award is to recognize an active member who has demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to their municipality, community, MCFOA and to the profession of the municipal clerk or finance officer.

          Minimum Requirements:

          1. Must be an active member of the Minnesota Clerks and Finance Officers Association, as defined by the Association’s Bylaws, for at least five (5) years.
          2. Must be a Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk, an IIMC Certified Municipal Clerk, or an IIMC Master Municipal Clerk.


          1. The President shall appoint an Awards Committee made up of the past three winners of the “MCFOA Member of the Year” award. In the case a previous winner is not available to serve on the Committee, the President shall appoint a replacement. Members of the Awards Committee are ineligible for consideration for the “MCFOA Member of the Year” award.
          2. Nominations may be submitted to the Administrative Assistant by any member of MCFOA (full, associate, retired, and honorary, as defined in the bylaws) or by a municipal official. Nominations will remain confidential. A notice soliciting nominations will be published in the August and November editions of the Munifacts newsletter. Nominations for “MCFOA Member of the Year” must be submitted by December 1 for a member to be honored at the following year’s annual conference.
          3. The Administrative Assistant will review the nominations to confirm that nominees meet the minimum requirements. The Administrative Assistant shall forward the nominations of eligible nominees to the Awards Committee for review. If a nominee is found ineligible, the Administrative Assistant shall inform the nominator of the nominee’s ineligibility.
          4. The Awards Committee will use the following criteria in evaluating nominations:
            • Active involvement in MCFOA and its programs; substantial donation of time, energy and/or talent by the member for the good of all members of the Association and the furtherance of the Association’s goals.
            • Significant accomplishment in a given year, or over a period of years, that enhances the image of the position of Municipal Clerk or Finance Officer.
            • Demonstration of leadership, integrity and ethics that earns him/her the respect and confidence of his/her peers, colleagues and community.
            • Length of service in the profession.
          5. The Awards Committee, after review of the applications, will present the name of the recipient and his/her nomination form to the President by December 31. The winner will be announced to the general membership at the annual conference and in the February Munifacts newsletter.
          6. An award plaque will be presented having the Association’s logo, the inscription “MCFOA Member of the Year”, respective year and the name of the recipient. The Secretary will order the plaque. The President will notify the recipient and his/her nominator of the honor. The President will ask the recipient and the nominator to inform the Mayor, Council, Administrator/Manager of the award and their ability to invite up to six guests to attend the award presentation.
          7. The Administrative Assistant shall prepare information for publicity to the League of Minnesota Cities magazine, International Institute of Municipal Clerks News Digest, and the recipient’s local newspaper.
          8. Once a member has been selected as “MCFOA Member of the Year”, he/she would be ineligible for future nominations.


          The MCFOA will utilize a cloud storage solution for access to, sharing, and retention of Association documents and data. The Administrative Assistant will have administrator/owner privileges for any cloud storage service used. Access will be limited to current members of the Executive Board and the chair of the Certification Committee. The Administrative Assistant will be responsible for cancelling access for those members leaving the Board and granting access to incoming members.

          Folder structure within the cloud storage product will be as follows:

          • Administrative Assistant
          • Certification Committee
          • Past President
          • President
          • Secretary
          • Treasurer
          • Vice President

          The responsible authority for each folder is the individual in that position for the current year. A subfolder for each year should be created.

          The retention period for each type of record shall be as follows:

          • Meeting minutes Permanent
          • Certification applications Permanent
          • State Auditor’s reports Permanent
          • Final/audited annual budget Permanent
          • Membership applications two years after membership year is audited
          • Financial records seven years
          • All other records three years

          The Administrative Assistant is responsible for deleting data according to this schedule.

          General use documents such as Association letterhead, logos, membership lists, constitution & bylaws, committee lists, etc. shall be located in the “Administrative Assistant” folder. In order to save space and avoid duplicate, and potentially inaccurate, files, users are expected to access these documents from this folder and avoid saving additional copies in their own folders.

          One year’s worth of digital photographs from the annual conference, Institute, Advanced Academy or other events will be stored in the cloud. Prior year’s photographs will be transferred to a physical storage device (USB or CD) and retained by the Administrative Assistant.

          The official minutes shall be the printed and signed copy. The Secretary is responsible for printing and signing their minutes after approval and forwarding them to the Administrative Assistant for filing.

          Each year the outgoing Treasurer should forward any files not needed by the incoming Treasurer to the Administrative Assistant for retention.


          By winning attendance to the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Annual Conference, you are entitled to:

          • Paid registration for the general conference at the IIMC-member, early-bird rate
          • All transportation expenses (at the most economical rate) to and from the conference, including mileage to/from the airport, airport parking fees and baggage fess (up to $25.00 each way).
          • Hotel accommodations while attending the conference (standard room rates only)

          All additional expenses are the responsibility of the silent auction winner. It is the responsibility of the recipient to register for the conference and make all transportation accommodations at the lowest economical rate possible. The Board will make the necessary hotel reservations for the conference. Reimbursement of covered expenses will be made to the recipient after attendance to the conference and with the proper submission of receipts attached to a reimbursement form.

          The winner MUST be an active member of MCFOA at the time of the prize drawing.

          SOCIAL MEDIA


          This policy provides guidelines and standards for the MCFOA’s use of social media. The MCFOA wishes to establish a positive and informative social media presence. Social networking by the MCFOA will serve two primary functions:

          1. Communicate and deliver messages directly to its members, and
          2. Encourage member involvement, interaction, and feedback

          The MCFOA will use available social media resources in an efficient, effective, ethical and lawful manner pursuant to all applicable laws and other relevant MCFOA policies.


          Social media are internet and mobile-based applications, websites and functions, other than email, for sharing and discussing information, where users can post photos, video, comments and links to other information to create content on any imaginable topic. This may be referred to as “user- generated content” or “consumer-generated media.”

          Social media includes, but is not limited to:

          • Social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs
          • Social news sites such as Reddit and Buzzfeed
          • Video and photo sharing sites such as YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, and Flickr
          • Wikis, or shared encyclopedias such as Wikipedia
          • An ever emerging list of new web-based platforms generally regarded as social media or having many of the same functions as those listed above


          The MCFOA Board of Directors will determine, at its discretion, how its web-based social media resources will be designed, implemented and managed as part of its overall communication and information sharing strategy. MCFOA’s social media sites may be modified or removed by the Board at any time and for any reason.

          Rules of Use:

          The Administrative Assistant and the MCFOA Secretary are responsible for creating, administering, updating and managing social media websites. All sites will be clearly marked as the official MCFOA site and will be linked to the official MCFOA website and the Administrative Assistant’s email address. No one may establish social media accounts or websites on behalf of the MCFOA unless authorized by the Board in accordance with this policy.

          MCFOA social media sites may not be used for private or personal purposes, for the purpose of expressing private or personal views on personal, political or policy issues, or to express personal views or concerns pertaining to MCFOA matters.

          No social media site may be used to disclose private or confidential information. No social media site should be used to disclose sensitive information. If there is any question as to whether information is private, confidential or sensitive, contact the MCFOA President.

          When using social media sites as a representative of the MCFOA, individuals will act in a professional manner. Examples include but are not limited to:

          • Adhering to all MCFOA policies
          • Using only appropriate language
          • Not providing private or confidential information, including names, or using such material as part of any content added to a site.
          • Not negatively commenting on community partners or their services, or using such material as part of any content added to a site.
          • Not providing information related to pending decisions that would compromise negotiations.
          • Being aware that all content added to a site is subject to open records/right to know laws and discovery in legal cases.
          • Always keeping in mind the appropriateness of content.
          • Complying with any existing code of ethical behavior established by the MCFOA
          • Being aware that content will not only reflect on the writer, but also on the MCFOA as a whole. Make sure information is accurate and free of grammatical and spelling errors.

          The MCFOA will not edit any comments posted by members or other followers. However, comments will be removed if they are abusive, obscene, defamatory, in violation of the copyright, trademark right or other intellectual property right of any third party, or otherwise inappropriate or incorrect. The following are examples of content that may be removed before or shortly after being published:

          • Potentially libelous comments
          • Obscene or racist comments
          • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
          • Plagiarized material
          • Private, personal information published without consent
          • Comments totally unrelated to the topic of the forum
          • Commercial promotions or spam
          • Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion

          Personal Social Media Use:

          The MCFOA respects members’ rights to post and maintain personal websites, blogs and social media pages and to use and enjoy social media in their personal lives. MCFOA requires organization representatives to act in a prudent manner with regard to website and internet postings that reference the MCFOA, its personnel, its operation or its property. Those affiliated with the MCFOA organization may not use the MCFOA brand, logo or other identifiers on their personal sites, nor post information that purports to be the position of the MCFOA without prior authorization.

          Data Ownership:

          All social media communications or messages composed, sent, or received in an official capacity are the property of the MCFOA. This data are public and available to anyone upon request.

          Furthermore, the retention of social media data is considered transitory and will be deleted immediately after the information has served its purpose. The MCFOA also maintains the sole property rights to any image, video or audio captured while a member is representing the organization in any capacity.

          Contact Us:

          Betsy Snyder - City of Milroy is our administrative assistant and can be reached at 

          Click here to Purchase MCFOA Accessories and Apparel

          • 10/24/2024 9:00 AM
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