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Municipal Clerks and finance officers association of Minnesota

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Region 1 Meeting/Training

  • 09/13/2024
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Detroit Lakes City Hall

MCFOA Region 1 Training:  September 13, 2024
NOTE: Parking Information Added at Bottom

Region 1 Meeting 2024-09-13 Registration Form.pdf

MCFOA Region 1 will be holding a regional meeting & training session on Friday, September 13th at the New and Improved Detroit Lakes City Hall! We hope you can come and see their beautiful new building – in addition to receiving some great training and networking with your peers. Thank you to the City of Detroit Lakes, and Kari Tyson for hosting us!  


     9:00   Registration-Networking

     9:20   Introductions

     9:30   Presentation by Deborah Saari - National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI). 

             Topics:  “Dealing with Difficult Interactions”, and

                        “Good Mental Health in the Workplace: 5 ThingsYou Can Do”.

    12:00  Regional Meeting (Working Lunch)

     1:00   Region Roundtable – What issues are dealing with in your city?
                Possible topics: Cannabis; PFMLA; Elections; 2025 Budget; Zoning;       
                Licensing; Economic Development; Utility Billing; other

     3:00   Adjourn

***Please RSVP by Monday, September 9 to***

(We will need a head count for lunch)
REGISTRATION Fee (Includes Lunch)
MCFOA Members: $20 (increased due to higher costs)
Non-MCFOA Members: $25

Please make checks payable to MCFOA Region 1

Checks can be brought to the meeting or mailed to:
Cheryl Hahn, City of Sebeka
PO Box 305, Sebeka MN 56477

Parking Instructions:

            Please park in the lower lot, and walk around to the employee entrance door (Door B) which is on top of the hill on the CVS side. If you are unable to walk around, you may use the front door of the building to utilize the elevator and Kari can assist you with getting to the meeting room. 

Contact Us:

Betsy Snyder - is our administrative assistant and can be reached at 

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